As part of National Library week, today celebrates National Library Workers Day (NLWD)! It is always important to recognize the people who have made a difference in your life. Today is the day to sing the praises of library workers! The ALA (American Library Association) - APA (Allied Professional Association) describes this day by saying, “NLWD is a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.” They go on to explain that it was decided on January 25, 2003, that the Tuesday of National Library Week would be called National Library Workers Day. This day would be used to “recognize the hard work, dedication, and expertise of library support staff and librarians...” and it would give public recognition to library workers during National Library Week.
But what does it mean to “celebrate” National Library Workers Day? Does it just involve posting about it on social media? Nope! Posting about NLWD is one way to acknowledge the holiday, #NLWD17 is being used on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as an example of social media outlets engaging with this holiday. However, there are other ways you can appreciate the library workers who have helped you.
One way is by nominating library workers for a star award on Receiving a star will let your library worker, team, or department of choice know that you, and your community, appreciate their work. You can also visit a local library as a way of observing National Library Worker Day. There may even be an event, like a potluck or meet-up, that you can attend to show your support. Even just saying a simple, “Thank you!” to those working at a library is a way of participating and will be appreciated. If you are someone who employs library workers, going out of your way to thank your employees by hosting a dinner, party, or creating a special post on your website will make them feel valued today.
National Library Week celebrates the continuing importance of libraries in all communities. National Library Workers Day is all about specifically appreciating those who make library operations possible. They should be recognized by their bosses and the organizations that employ them, and by the communities that they serve. Just by being aware that this day exists and choosing to participate, you are making a difference to those library workers. This kind of thoughtful recognition can only improve someone’s life for the better and help us all build a better tomorrow together.