Today, we expect to be able to find anything online - from what to eat, where to travel, where to shop and even who to date! Technology is great, right? Yet, do you find it impossible to find a job? Does it feel like the only reasonably successful way to be hired is through a connection? Well, your feelings are not unfounded: 71% of HR professionals list employee referrals as the best source for finding candidates, but only 7% of job seekers view referrals as a top source [1]. Getting that referral is hard, we know!
Our hiring system is clearly broken. At any time, 76% of full-time, employed workers are either actively looking for a job or open to new opportunities, yet nearly half (48%) of employers can’t seem to find the workers they need to fill their job vacancies [2]. This is why we created DreamHire. We believe it should be possible to find a job online and the process should be both personalized and efficient.
The team at DreamHire, having been both employers and employees for many years, are here to make the process less painful for both sides. This post will focus on how we improve the job hunting experience for job seekers. Stay tuned for our post from the employers’ perspective.
Personalized Job Recommendations Based on Skills, Experiences and Cultural Fit
We know that job hunting online can be extremely time consuming and stressful. So much of your time is wasted in the search, filtering and selection process before you even decide to apply. On average, job seekers use 16 different resources to look for jobs [3], combing through pages and pages of options, all over the internet, that, quite frankly, are not what you are looking for. Sound like you?
Using DreamHire, you will find relevant jobs. You will see personalized job recommendations based on your qualifications and what is most important to you (i.e. distance from home, growth opportunity, etc.). By filtering jobs to only those that you are interested in, we save you time in your job search. On DreamHire, you will only need to apply to jobs that you know you are qualified for, aligned with your career goals, and good cultural fits.
Detailed and Transparent Job Descriptions
Another obstacle for job seekers is the prevalence of job descriptions that are too generic and unspecific. With generic and unspecific job descriptions, job seekers have a hard time determining whether they are qualified or a good fit for the roles. In many cases, job seekers apply anyway, hoping that the company decides that they are qualified and a good fit. This is a waste of time for both sides: job seekers waste time applying for jobs that they aren’t a good fit for, and employers waste time reviewing applications from those candidates.
To fix this inefficiency, we ask all of our employers to specify in as much detail as possible their ideal candidate. On each DreamHire job description, you will see detailed information about the company and team, a clear description about your day to day responsibilities, the qualifications that the hiring manager is looking for and how your skills and experiences match up to their list of desired requirements. You will also see the exact location, or locations, of work and any travel requirements up front. Employers provide more details for job seekers on DreamHire because they know that the more specific they are, the better we are at finding them their perfect candidate.
Research and Reach Out to Employers All In One Place
We know that in today’s job hunting market, knowing as much as you can about the employers that you are interested in is extremely important. 64% of candidates research employers online before applying [4]. Currently, you have to go all over the place to scramble together a picture about the company’s values, culture, business objectives, etc.
To aid you in your research process, each employer on DreamHire has a transparent profile with information about their business, current positions that they are hiring for, and links to their company website, social media, and glassdoor reviews. If you have questions about the job, you can also ask questions directly to employers even before deciding to apply. Our goal is to give you everything you need in order to make the best decisions for the next steps in your career.
Quick and Simple Applications
We know that it is currently best practice to tailor each job application (resume and cover letter) to the needs of each employer. This process takes time and effort, and often is wasted because employers receive so many applications that they may not thoroughly review yours. Recruiters on average spend only 6 seconds reviewing a resume [5]!
On DreamHire, you won’t need to spend any time customizing your resume per application, because our system does that automatically and presents you in the best light. In a future article we will describe our dynamic profiles feature in more detail, which will shed some insight into how we optimize your profile for each job that that you apply to.
You will also no longer need to guess what employers want to see in your cover letter. Each job, when posted, is set up with up to 5 preset questions (set by the employer). When you submit an application through DreamHire, you know for certain that you are providing exactly the information employers wants to know about you!
Be Informed About Expected Response Rates
Last, but not least, we know that the one thing that really gets on job seekers’ nerves is what many call the ‘applications black hole’. You spend all that effort finding a job that you think is perfect for you, customizing your cover letter and resume to the job description, and then submit your application only to never hear back from the employer! If this drives you crazy, you are not alone - 75% of job applicants do not hear back from any employer at all during their entire job search process [6]. We know that this is both unfair and demoralizing to job seekers, so we have developed an easy one-click way for employers to respond to all applications.
Furthermore, on each DreamHire job description, you will be see the employer’s typical response rate (i.e. this employer responds to 58% of applicants in 3 days). This way, you can apply to a job with a sense of how likely you are to hear back. We know that ideally you would want detailed feedback about why you were not selected for hire but the reality is that employers generally choose not to provide that information for legal reasons.
Redefining Hiring
There you have it, this is DreamHire in a nutshell. Our mission is to enable a personalized, efficient and transparent hiring process for both job seekers and employers. Finding a good fit shouldn’t be painful for either sides! If you are interested in seeing how job hunting through DreamHire is different and more efficient, join DreamHire, for free, today!
If you have any suggestions about how DreamHire can be changed to improve your job search endeavors, shoot us a private message!