Love Animals? Top Jobs for Animal Lovers

Love Animals? Top Jobs for Animal Lovers

By: Erin Venable | July 11, 2017

Animals are a wonderful, positive force in our world. Many people love having pets, but if you want more than to see animals on weekends and at home, there are career options out there for you. Here are a number of different fields and jobs for the animal lovers out there to pursue their passion for animals while making their career goals come true.

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Animal Health Careers:

One of the obvious choices for an animal related career is a veterinarian or another positions available in a veterinarian's office. If you want to figure out animals' health problems and solve them, one of the careers may be right for you.

Veterinarian: The so-called "animal doctor." There are a variety of specialties that vets can choose, but if you are interested in directly diagnosing and treating unhealthy animals, this is the position for you.

Veterinary Technician: These professionals deal with medical testing of animals under the supervision of vets. They can help vets with the diagnosis of animal's conditions and often work closely with veterinarians.

Veterinary Nurse: These workers are not licensed veterinarians, however they do often help prep animals for the vet and help manage things around the office, much like the nurses you see at the doctor's office.

Veterinary Assistant: These are the receptionists and office workers who help out in the veterinary offices. Running a veterinary practice includes non-medical, animal related professions as well that fall under this job title.

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Animal Care Careers:

Interesting in taking care of animals? Grooming, walking, breeding, there are plenty of different animal care jobs out there. Here are a few examples of animal care related careers to help you decide if this field is right for you.

Pet Groomer: These individuals are in charge of beautifying household pets. Groomers get to do the hands on work of cleaning and styling a variety of animals to help them look and feel better.

Dog Sitter/Walker: With all the full-time working pet owners out there, there is a need for people to watch and walk household pets. if you like taking care of other people's pets and getting them out, this job could be ideal for you.

Animal Shelter Worker: There are plenty of shelters out there for all different kinds of animals that need more help. You can do a variety of jobs within a shelter that help manage the business or take care of the animals living there.

Breeder: Breeders are individuals who breed animals. This could apply to nearly any species out there. So if you're interested in raising a specific species or breed of animal, this profession could be right for you.

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Animal Research and Conservation Careers:

If you’re interested in the research, study, or conservation of wild animals, one of these positions may suit you. There are scientists that focus on animals in the wild, preserving natural wildlife habitats, or aquatic-focused researchers, as examples of possible careers in this field.

Zoologist: These scientists study wildlife and their environments. Zoologists often have higher degrees, even at the Ph.D. level. If you enjoy understanding and researching wildlife, consider the field of zoology.

Wildlife Biologist: These individuals study and manage wildlife populations in their natural habitats. If you are interesting exploring the world to see and understand animals in their native habitats, this field may be for you.

Marine Biologist: If you are interested in the ocean and aquatic animals, a position as a marine biologist may suit you. They focus on studying, researching, and supporting aquatic wild animals.

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Whatever skills you have, you should be able to find the animal related job of your dreams by checking out this list.

Animal Sales and Retail Careers:

If you love animals and enjoy sales or retail work, these jobs may be the right choice for you. There are plenty of products out there for animals that can be sold and bought. Indulge your love of pets by working in one of these sales or retail professions.

Pet Store/Bakery Owner: If you're an entrepreneur looking for a new project or business, opening up an animal goods store may be the right career for you. If you have a passion for baking, consider a pet bakery for your new businesses.

Pet Store/Bakery Worker: If you are happier not starting or running your own business, you could always apply to work in a pet store or bakery, depending on your skills and preference.

Animal Photographer: From wildlife photography to studio pet portraits, there is a need for animal photographers out there for anyone who enjoys both photography and animals. Start your own studio or work as a freelance photographer to establish your animal photography career.

Animal Photography Studio Worker: If you have an interest in animal photography, but aren’t ready to strike out on your own, working in an animal photography studio may be a good option for you. You can learn about the profession while working with the animals you love.

Animal Product Sales Representative: If you have a sales background or interest, you may enjoy being a sales representative for any number of animal related products and companies. You can travel to different animal related events to promote a product and have contact with the animals your product is related to.

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Animal Trainer Careers:

If you love spending time with animals and teaching them different behaviors, tricks, or poses, being an animal trainer may be the right career path for you. You could train pets, service animals, therapeutic animals or the animals you see in the media. There are a variety of professions in this field that may interest you if you have a passion for animal training.

Media Animal Trainer: Movies, TV shows, commercials are all mediums that need trained animals at different times. Those animals have trainers and you could become one. Trainers who prepare animals for media work blend a career in media with their passion for pets.

Therapeutic Animal Trainer: Pets have a soothing, reassuring effect on people. Therapeutic animal trainers use animal's natural abilities to help people feel better. They train the animals so that they behave properly, stay calm, and to make sure they have the best effect possible.

Service Animal Trainer: There are a number of different types of service animals out there that help people in need. Training and working with these animals could be a very fulfilling career for anyone who enjoys training animals for a greater purpose.

Pet Behavioral Trainer: There are plenty of household pets out there that need to be trained in the proper behaviors. Animals can develop unhealthy or negative behaviors any number of ways and behavioral trainers can help solve these problems.

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Animal Law & Safety Careers:

If you are interested in taking an action on the rights of animals, their safety, or their role in law enforcement, one of these careers may suit you. You could have a canine partner in a police role or defend animals in the court, if you pursue a career related to animal law and safety.

Animal Cruelty Investigator: These professionals are focused on getting to the truth of possible animal cruelty situations. If you want to stop animal abuse in its tracks, this career could suit you.

Animal Rights Lawyer: If you want to pursue, or already have, a law degree, you could use it to pursue an animal-related career. There are lawyers focused on fighting for better animal rights. If you want to use your law skills to help animals, an animal rights lawyer career may suit you.

K-9 Unit Police Officer: If you have aspirations to become a police officer, you can still satisfy your love of animals by joining a K-9 unit. You will be partnered directly with a capable canine to help in your law enforcement duties if you choose this job.

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If you want to pursue your love of animals in your career, but aren’t sure how, one of these careers may work for you. There are animal-related professions across many fields. Whatever skills you have, you should be able to find the animal related job of your dreams by checking out this list.

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