Using Mobile Games for Hiring Process

By: Daniel Steingold | May 09, 2016

An improbable venture found itself speaking at TechCrunch Disrupt today. That venture, named Scoutible, aims to help companies find suitable employees via targeted smartphone games.

The mobile games are said to be “science-based” and help to “identify talent and match perfect fit candidates to jobs.” The premise behind the company’s unique offerings is that Scoutible believes that many companies do not have sufficient information to make proper hiring decisions.

Scoutible, operating out of San Francisco, will use algorithms in their games that test for traits like risk tolerance, mental processing speed, and emotional intelligence. Most importantly, their games will actually feel fun; examples of gameplay include jumping across lava platforms and island survival.

Thus, it is not out of the realm of possibility that Scoutible’s games could also serve as being games simply being played for fun, rather than a way to project job performance. If nothing else, having people enjoy their free games will get the word out.

Most importantly, it looks like the company is primed for success. Mark Cuban invested $1.5 million in seed funding, and its CEO, Angela Antony, has a JD and MBA from Harvard, along with work experience at the White House and Goldman Sachs.

The rise of unorthodox platforms, such as games, to predict future performance on the job is an interesting phenomenon. This is a development we may cover in broader detail once it is out on market.

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