Accounting Technician for Accounts Payable


(Green Bay, Wisconsin)
Full Time
Job Posting Details
About Schreiber
Schreiber Foods brings delicious dairy to the world – and enriches lives in the process. We specialize in dairy items – including natural cheese, process cheese, cream cheese and yogurt – that meet our customers’ needs and satisfy consumer tastes worldwide.
The Accounting Technician will accumulate financial data to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting while also ensuring the integrity of reporting through the development and use of internal controls.
* Data entry into Accounts Payable systems or general ledger to generate management reporting or information used in the preparation of financial statements * Maintaining financial accuracy through data entry, internal controls and auditing processes * Completing daily and period audits and reconciliations to ensure accurate and timely financial reports * Serving as an active team member by supporting and participating in cross-functional teams within the technical accounting team
Ideal Candidate
* An Associate degree in Accounting or a related field * Minimum 1-2 years of experience * Proficiency in the use of personal computer hardware and software * Knowledge and use of basic accounting principles and spreadsheet applications is required * Internal Partners have completed two-years in current position


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