Internet Services Washington, District of Columbia Private Corporation

Our Company

We understand that your network means a lot to you and that it's very important to you personally and professionally. We help you prevent anyone from falling through the cracks by systematically and organically bubbling up the important people who haven't been spoken to in a while. And we make this easy by providing a ton of tools at your fingertips, such as a number of integrations, mobile apps, pipelines, process automation, smart contact organization, and scale mail.

Skills We're Looking For

Microsoft Excel SaaS CRM Sales SalesForce People Management JavaScript jQuery Ruby Backbone.js DevOps ElasticSearch HAML MongoDB MVC Framework Object Oriented Programming (OOP) PostgreSQL Programming Redis REST Ruby on Rails Sass Test Driven Development (TDD) Underscore.js Object Oriented Javascript Rails Handlebars.js Marionette.js Operational Support System Knowledge of Agile Methodology Contact Management System Ruby gem Javascript Plugin Adobe Photoshop Advertising AdWords