Marketing Assistant


(Dallas, Texas)
Part Time
Job Posting Details
About Yelp
Yelp connects people with great local businesses. Our users have contributed approximately 108 million cumulative reviews of almost every type of local business, from restaurants, boutiques and salons to dentists, mechanics, plumbers and more. These reviews are written by people using Yelp to share their everyday local business experiences, giving voice to consumers and bringing “word of mouth” online.
Do you heart Dallas? From real local businesses to amazing events and organizations, do you keep tabs on all the Dallas happs? Love attending food festivals, charity events, fashion shows, art fairs and mo’?! Would you consider yourself a connector? A marketing maven? A local with the inside scoop? As the Yelp Dallas Marketing Assistant, you’ll be a part-time Yelp employee (working out of your home or anywhere with WiFi) at the helm of a vibrant, buzzing community of locals who drink, shop and play their way through the city via peer recommendations on Yelp. Marketing Assistants are driven, self-motivated, charismatic, and organized as they’re tasked with wrangling a slew of to-dos both on- and off-line, from writing to marketing! Community Managers in over 100 Yelp communities are responsible for marketing, PR, other social media outlets, event planning, e-newsletter campaigns, and various odds and ends on the local level — but they can’t do it alone! CM Marketing Assistants play an integral part in supporting activities designed to rally the Yelp community both online and off. * Writing. Write locally compelling newsletters weekly as well as persuasive pitches to newsletter sponsors and more! * Marketing outreach. Connect with the right local organizations; barter weekly newsletter sponsorships for promotion of Yelp. * Event planning. Conceptualize, negotiate, plan and execute cool, fun and buzz-worthy (big wow factor!) events/parties. * Communication. Be accountable with stellar communication to your Community Manager, brand ambassadors, interns and those who support you at Yelp HQ.
* Helping develop, organize and execute marketing events (parties, happy hours) and guerilla marketing programs (festivals, street ambushes, etc). * Co-managing the Twitter handle. * Keeping Yelp clean with on-site projects, writing and researching. * Online community building.
Ideal Candidate
**Other fun requirements:** * 4-year college/university degree. * Currently living, eating, breathing (or working) in Dallas. * Experience with social networking, social media, guerilla marketing tactics, and event planning. * This is a Part-time Position. Flexible 20 hours per week. * Marketing assistants must be 21+ and have reliable transportation and own laptop. * Loves to write! Strong writing background and ability to meet deadlines * Social connector. You are the hub of your social world. You know everyone. Everyone knows you. The fun one. Diplomatic, too. * Marketing maven. Ability to plan, build and execute marketing partnerships with community organizations and events. Creative. Outgoing. Social. * You reside in Dallas area and consider yourself a local expert.


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