Mattress Firm Holding Corp.

Mattress Firm Holding Corp.

Retail & Wholesale Houston, Texas Private Corporation

Our Company

The company set out to be a different kind of mattress retailer; focused on creating a unique shopping experience for the customer with a large selection of quality, BRAND NAME bedding products, competitive pricing and knowledgeable, well-trained associates. Over the next several years, Mattress Firm grew to new heights, with the addition of corporate owned and franchise owned stores. By 2002, the company owned and operated approximately 250 locations across the United States and was considered the second-largest independent retailer in the country. Mattress Firm soon introduced a new store design, opened several new Super-Centers offering a greater selection from top bedding manufacturers, introduced same-day Red Carpet delivery and created the Firm Network, a unique in-store television network featuring programming to educate consumers about sleep and the guidance for selecting the right mattress for their personal needs. Whether the customer has snoring problems, backaches or just trouble falling asleep, Mattress Firm now had more options to provide sleep solutions for their customers. As new research emerged showing the link between proper sleep and good health, Mattress Firm responded to the growing demand for specialty mattresses by expanding its non-innerspring product selection to include memory foam mattress sets such as Tempur-PedicĀ® products. Mattress Firm currently operates over 1100 locations across 28 states with plans to continue to grow. What began in 1986 has grown to become one of the largest and most successful specialty bedding companies in the world. Mattress Firm... Save Money. Sleep Happy.

Skills We're Looking For

Budgets Data Analysis Marketing Microsoft Excel Pay Per Click (PPC) A/B Testing Pivot Tables Macro Business Marketing Channel

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