Magmell d.o.o.

(Novi Sad, Vojvodina)
Full Time
Job Posting Details
About Magmell d.o.o.
Magmell is a creative studio that excels at digital and emotional ass-kicking. In branding, design and film. Founded in 1999. Reborn in 2017.
We strive to get better every day by developing our skills – individually and as a team. There is no growth without honest, constructive feedback, which we both love to give and receive. Critical thinking and asking questions is not only allowed, but actively promoted. Magmell family members have a hunger for knowledge and passion for work. If you imagine this being something you would enjoy doing, let’s make it happen!
Contributing to a team effort to implement excellent and stylish web applications with our designers and other developers.
Ideal Candidate
* You have been developing modern web applications for at least 3 years * PHP and MySQL are your daily bread and butter * You understand that organizing work via source control and project management tools is a must * Bonus: you are familiar with Contao, but know a bit about TYPO3 and Wordpress too * You work pragmatic and think refactoring is cool * Learning more and getting better at what you do as well as integrity and responsibility for your own work are high on your value list * Not afraid of asking questions and give/receive honest critical opinion about your job * Believe that doing work thoroughly, orderly and precisely are not just boring words, but a mindset * You know what being a team player means, and enjoy that role * You can read this job ad without using Google translate


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