Test Preparation & University Admissions Consultant

Full Time Freelance Entry-Level Travel Required Fully Remote
Job Posting Details
Our company is called All Round Education Academy and we are based out of Hong Kong. We are on the lookout for highly qualified SAT/ACT tutors and US and UK university admissions consultants. This job would require for the candidate to move to HK in a full-time setting or for them to work remotely.
- Guide students through the college admission process from start to finish. Admissions Consultants work with students one-on-one, hold advisory meetings with families, provide essay assistance, lead seminars, and give workshops on academic strategies. They are responsible for helping students create competitive college application profiles to achieve their college admissions goals. In addition to working directly with students and parents, Consultants work closely with the rest of All Round's Admissions Consulting team to conduct research, exchange ideas, complete long-term projects and much more. - SAT/ACT Test Prep
Ideal Candidate
- Graduate from a top-tier university - Creative, ambitious and effective communicator - Excellent academic profile - Teaching and mentoring experience


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