
We help brands reward everyday moments in apps and games.

Marketing & Advertising San Francisco, California 100-200 employees Private Corporation Founded in 2010

Kiip is a rewards network and mobile application that offers rewards from brands and companies for virtual achievements.

It has received $15.4 million in total funding to date from Relay Ventures, Interpublic Group, Hummer Winblad, American Express Ventures, Digital Garage, True Ventures, Verizon Ventures, CrossLink Capital, and others.

Kiip was Brian Wong, Courtney Guertin, and Amadeus Demarzi in 2010.

Skills We're Looking For

Java Python Go Computer Science Troubleshooting Amazon Web Services Continuous Delivery C Programming Language Open Source Postgres Algorithms Customer Service Data Structures Objective-C Business-to-Business (B2B) Ruby Scaling Vagrant Software Development Erlang Redis Distributed Systems RabbitMQ Redshift StatsD Celery Graphite HTML iOS JavaScript Mobile App Development Mobile Web Android Business Strategies Inventory

We have great benefits

Yes, you get to use a computer.
We pay you too.
Free lunch every day (seriously)
You can have a chair. Or a standing desk. Or we have a hammock.
Motorbike riders can park *in* the office. 2 do currently.
I don't know what this means exactly, but we welcome everyone.
Unlimited vacation time, flex schedules, and quarterly product reviews
100% healthcare covered and 401k plan
Professional & career development bennies
Playstation tourneys and team outings