Senior Backend Engineer


(San Francisco, California)
Full Time
Job Posting Details
About HelloSign
Our team of 9 engineers is curious, driven, friendly, and collaborative. We believe in an egoless approach to development and a blameless approach to problem solving. While we work independently, we support each other through frequent code and design reviews, daily stand-ups, and pair programming, facilitating learning and reducing friction in our regular release schedule of every 3 weeks.
We are 7 full-stack engineers and 1 front-end engineer seeking you: a back-end guru. Do you seek out scaling challenges? Have you architected a platform to achieve 10x capacity? Do you have experience managing the complexity of long-running concurrent jobs? Are you brimming with opinions about how best to eliminate side effects and simplify concurrency management? If any of these sound like you, let's chat! In addition to being highly skilled on the technical side, you consistently put yourself in the user's shoes and think critically about what you're building. Some other challenges you'll help us with: - Developing a fast, reliable platform for our eSignature API and end-user website. - Researching new processing and data storage technologies. - Scaling our system to support millions of users. - Improving our test frameworks and operational tools. Our back-end tech stack is Symfony PHP, MySQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, memcached, and beanstalkd, all deployed to AWS using chatops by a friendly robot named HAL 9000 -- however we believe in using the right tool for each job.
Ideal Candidate
7+ Years Experience - You have 7+ years experience developing large scale applications and have a strong foundation in Unix/Linux systems. Team Player - You enjoy participating in code reviews, building tools to help your fellow devs, occasional pair programming, and place success as a team ahead of personal recognition. Technical Leadership - You have strong opinions (weakly held!) about back-end technologies, design, and architecture. Product Focused - You love solving hard technical challenges and producing clean code, but you realize the product and the end-user’s experience is the most important thing. You care about your users and think beyond just the technical challenges. U.S. Based - Please only apply if you are authorized to work in the United States and willing to work on location in San Francisco.


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