Financial Services New Hyde Park, New York Public Corporation

Our Company

Macquarie’s main business focus is making returns by providing a diversified range of services to clients. Macquarie acts on behalf of institutional, corporate and retail clients and counterparties around the world. Macquarie Group Limited is listed in Australia (ASX:MQG; ADR:MQBKY) and is regulated by APRA, the Australian banking regulator, as the owner of Macquarie Bank Limited, an authorised deposit taker. Macquarie also owns a bank in the UK, Macquarie Bank International Limited, which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Macquarie's activities are also subject to scrutiny by other regulatory agencies around the world. Macquarie’s approach to risk management is long-standing. Strong risk management practices are embedded in business unit management with central oversight of credit, market, funding, compliance and operational risk. These, together with a strong, committed team are key drivers of Macquarie’s success. Founded in 1969, Macquarie employs more than 13,500 people in 27 countries. At 30 September 2015, Macquarie had assets under management of over $A504.3 billion.

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